DAY 1 (September 19th)

Welcome & Introduction

09:00 09:30

1. Opening speeches
2. Opening Keynote
3. Deeptech challenge highlights

Session 1 : An integrated deeptech venture ecosystem

09:30 10:10

The key factors for an integrated deeptech entrepreneurship ecosystem include combining advanced technical capabilities, talent pools, and robust financing mechanisms to foster progress and innovation in cutting-edge technology fields. This necessitates a necessary blend for deeptech success – a shared venture framework across academic and research, business, and policy levels.

Session : Deeptech venture building models

10:10  10:50

Geography, demography, and technological advances are putting pressure on exploiting deeptech results. New deeptech venture building models have been tested over the last decade. Relevant and critical ingredients of such models, as well as best practices and lessons learned from foreign ecosystems.

Session 3 : Funding landscape for deeptech entrepreneurship- From lab to market

11:10 11:50

Differences and complementarities exist among corporate and public deeptech funding. The key role of public investment and corporate validation is crucial. Programs and tools are needed to foster an entrepreneurial mindset in medium to long-term research and development. It is important to identify and choose the right trends and priorities.

Session 4 : AI and quantum, deeptech enablers for deeptech ventures (Robotics, Health, Space…)

11:50  12:30

AI and quantum technologies promise major advancements in robotics, healthcare, and space exploration. They are expected to boost automation, predictive healthcare, and space operations. This session will evaluate their measurable impact and assess applicable metrics for exploitation models and plans.

Session 5 : Intellectual property (IP) – A key enabler of deeptech venturing

14:00  14:40

Intellectual Property (IP) serves as a fundamental tool of deeptech venturing, acting as both a strategic asset for technology owners and a vital tool for cooperation and trade in the development of advanced technologies. Operating IP-based collaboration frameworks facilitates a structured sharing of knowledge and technologies and fosters opportunities for partnerships, licensing, and investment, driving the growth of deeptech asset development.

Session 6 : Funding landscape for deeptech entrepreneurship – After lab to market

14:40  15:20

Plan and validate the right timing to spin-off/spin-out. Metrics and financing tools to be considered. What can we learn from foreign ecosystems and corporate models. Case studies and best practices.

Session 7 : Skills for venture strategy – building a successfull deeptech team

15:40  16:20

Explore the essential strategies for assembling an effective team in the deep tech domain. Emphasize the importance of a combination of technical, entrepreneurial, and strategic skills, offering practical advice for fostering collaboration, harnessing emerging technologies, and driving sustainable innovation.

Session 8 : Warp-up round table  

16:20  17:00

Outcomes of the day will be reviewed through the lens of 3 deeptech engaged organisations. The speakers will address the critical deeptech ecosystem requirements such as the strategic alignment across the different support and venturing parties. The panellists will touch on how to identify within an ecosystem the strategic deeptech sectors and related support capabilities. The measures to trigger deeptech excellence for worldwide differentiation, competitiveness and attractiveness for related key research and business partners will be debated.  

Closing remarks


The chairman of the Board of Directors of Technoport will introduce the closing remarks of the first DeepTech Ventures Summit in Luxembourg. Following this, the audience we will have the privilege of hearing from the Luxembourg Minister of Research and Higher Education, who will deliver the closing speech.


Technoport Cosmic Party

Join us at the Technoport Cosmic Party for an electrifying evening of networking within the deep tech community. This event brings together experts from fundamental and applied research, government innovation support, and funding sectors. Enjoy a tech-themed entertainment experience while indulging in exquisite food and beverages. Don’t miss this perfect blend of innovation, connection, and enjoyment, dedicated to deeptech excellence.

DAY 2 (September 20th)

@Technoport Foetz


Deep Tech Ventures Demo Day 2024 showcases the innovation and dynamism of the Luxembourgish technological scene. Explore a diverse array of prototypes and technological advancements offered by local corporates, startups, and public research centers, representing the best of their progress in various fields.